Becoming a Surrogate for a Gay Couple

If you are considering becoming a surrogate you will have the option of becoming a surrogate for a gay couple. Surrogacy is all about helping others and giving them the chance to share the joy of having a baby. This is a personal decision that only you can make. If you are unfamiliar with the subject and want to learn more Simple Surrogacy is more than happy to provide you with some more information.

The LGBT Community and Surrogacy

There are several reasons why intended parents turn to surrogacy. Typically, the choice stems from an inability to conceive or carry a child without detriment to yours or the baby’s health. However, the end goal is always the same. These parents want to add a beautiful baby boy or girl to their family. These are couples who have a lot of love to give to a newborn that they would have otherwise not been unable to conceive on their own.
While adoption is a great way to start a family, some states still have strict laws that prohibit these couples from adopting. Adoption is not an option for those who wish to have biological children. Additionally, adoption can be a long and arduous process. Often the adoption can be held up or the child can be returned to their biological families.
Surrogacy is an attractive option to the LGBT community as it offers the opportunity to have children who are biologically related to the intended parents. While the United States has become much more open to same-sex couples, there are still obstacles that prevent same-sex couples from starting a family. Overall the ability of the LGBT community, especially gay men, to start families is limited. Surrogacy allows same-sex couples the chance to fulfill their dreams of having a baby.

Why should you become a surrogate for a gay couple?

Choosing to become a surrogate is an intimate and complex decision made by someone who wants to help others start families. It is one of the ultimate gifts to give to someone. There are a lot of questions involved in the process and as a surrogate, your voice matters. If you are uncertain about anything, be sure to ask questions and raise any concerns you may have.
Agencies will ask about your preferences early on. You should be upfront and honest about whether or not you are comfortable with becoming a surrogate for any group of intended parents. This decision is ultimately your own and will be respected. If you are unsure of your position on the matter, consider doing some research on the topic and try to address your concerns.
Gay couples can provide loving caring homes and families to their children. As a surrogate, you will have the chance to get to know the intended parents. There are many anecdotal stories that tell of surrogates’ fears being completely wiped away after meeting the intended parents. Whatever your decision is, your agency will support you and work hard to match you with great intended parents.

Becoming a Surrogate for a Gay Couple

The process of becoming a surrogate for a gay couple is very similar to becoming a surrogate for any other intended parents. As stated previously, you will be asked early on it that is something you would be comfortable with. If this is the case, you may have the opportunity to be both an egg donor and surrogate depending on the circumstance. However, you can expect the same routine especially concerning the intended parents’ involvement in the process.

Myths About Gay Parenting

It is important not to make assumptions about the family life that the intended parents will provide for their child. Gay couples face a rash of assumptions about their parenting. It is completely natural to have concerns about the child you will be carrying. Here are some concerns that the surrogate of a gay couple may have and facts that address them.
Concern: Children with gay parents are more likely to be gay themselves.
Fact: While this is a commonly held belief, there is absolutely no scientific evidence to support this idea. Every family is unique, in and of itself. The sexual orientation of parents is not an indicator of what a child’s sexual orientation will be.
Concern: The child will suffer from psychological problems brought on by being raised by a gay couple.
Fact: An in-depth study of gay fathers, lesbian mothers, and their children found that “there is no evidence to suggest that lesbian women or gay men are unfit to be parents or that psychosocial development among children of lesbian women or gay men is compromised relative to that among offspring of heterosexual parents.” There is no reason to worry about the psychological impact of being raised by same-sex couples.
Concern: Children with same-sex parents will be bullied.
Fact: The truth is that bullying affects almost all children for different reasons, and sometimes for no reason at all. There is no reason that a parent born to two gay parents is any more likely to be bullied than any other child.
Concern: Children should have a father and mother not two parents of the same sex.
Fact: Single parents would disagree. Most single parents are doing the best that they can and their children are absolutely fine. What is best for a child is determined most completely by the care they receive and how well-loved they are. Gay parents are not lacking in these areas. In fact, you might argue that because of all the effort they have to go through to become parents, they are. It is completely possible for a child to have male or female role-models and figures outside of their parents. Positive influences can come from multiple sources. Teacher, church members, coaches, and extended family can always fill this role.


Becoming a surrogate for a gay couple is to helping a willing couple in their journey to start their family. You are providing a family with a huge blessing. Each family unique on its own, surrogacy requires an open mind. So while you may have concerns and questions about the surrogacy for a gay couple or what it could mean to you, Simple Surrogacy offers free information to help inform and guide you through the process.

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